Even the Mac needs maintenance on occasion. Disk drive capacity is quite large these days, but not infinite.
This little multi-platform Java program is a great tool to help you when the time comes to houseclean your hard drives. It is offered free by Karsten Lentzsch in Germany. His company, JGoodies “is a product development, software consulting, and design company focussing on an advanced Java look, UI design and usability”. Karsten “is an architect and designer of Java tools, demos, and several professional Swing libraries. He is considered a leading expert in Java user interface technology and pluggable look and feel. He brings a wealth of experience in designing usable and elegant Java application to JGoodies”.
The program works on OS X, and Windows. It scans your hard drive and profiles the contents by size or age. The results are displayed as a pie chart, bar graph or simple list. You can drill down to lower levels by clicking on the chart. If you need to see what is filling up your disk drives, pick up a copy of JDiskReport, just be sure you have a recent copy of Java installed on your computer.